This is one of the biggest problems facing the Ummah today — and what I’m doing about it
Over the past year, I’ve been putting a program together on what I believe is one of THE most critical problems the Ummah is facing today.
That problem is the loss of purpose.
Nothing else matters more than this — as this is linked to everything — your happiness, your relationships, your wealth, your health and most importantly, your akhirah.
The loss of purpose is the root cause of everything.
Once purpose is disconnected, the human becomes highly susceptible to distraction and disorder and loses his way. This has already happened on both a macro and micro scale and has caused crises across cultures and communities.
Having purpose gives you direction, energy, clarity, drive and focus. It gives you perspective, empathy and wisdom. It keeps you calm and resilient.
If you’re looking to rebuild society and revive the Ummah, it all begins here.
If you’re looking to get clarity and direction to add value and have an impact on the world, it all begins here.
If you’re just looking to get yourself back on track again and get more motivated, it all begins here.
Through intensive study into this subject over the past couple of years I believe there are four icons of Islam we MUST study in order to rediscover our purpose and realign with who we were meant to be:
They are:
Imam Ghazali
Allama Iqbal
Malcolm X
My program synthesises and brings together the best of their thought and example, in conjunction with the Qu’ran, Hadith and Seerah and the best of what the Western world teaches, into a systemised framework that is digestible, easy to implement and can get you on your purposeful path and feeling fulfilled, in 40 days or less, insha’allah.
Through the program you will finally understand with deep clarity:
- your overall purpose in life
- yourself, like never before
- your personal mission and why you’ve been created
- the exact steps required for you to make it a reality, insha’allah
If this is something you’re interested in learning more about, please watch the free training here or book in a free discovery call with me and I’d be glad to be of service, insha’allah.